B J Autos Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 00:34 Alarms Services 4/56 Rewa Rewa Road Raumanga Whangarei 0110 24 views Reference: 172589Click to get direction: 4/56 Rewa Rewa Road Raumanga Whangarei 0110
Contact Info(s):
O: 0800030904
Products and Services
Vehicles4WD, Trucks, Cars, 4WD, Trucks, Vans, Cars
Vehicle Features4WD, 4WD
ConcernsCar Accidents, Flat Tyres, Breakdowns, Lockouts, Dead Batteries, Accidents, Collisions, Punctures, Leaks, Vibration, Vehicle Damage, Emissions, Check Engine Light, Car Accidents, Breakdowns, Punctures, Accidents, Auto Damage, Structural Damage, Rust, No Starts, Damage
ServicesAccident Recovery, Recovery, Salvaging, Oil Changes, Diagnostics, Maintenance, Tune-ups, Balancing, Repairs
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated, Registered, Insurance Approved, Aftermarket Warranties, Warrant of Fitness, Land Transport Safety Authority
Year est.
Parking options
Free Off-StreetPayment options
About B J Autos
B J Autos is your one stop shop for all automotive servicing and repairs in Whangarei!
Locally owned and operated with over 30 years professional industry experience, knowledge and know how, B J Autos has services all types of light to medium sized vehicles, dealing with all types of makes and models of cars.
Our services include:
- ABS Brakes
- Air Conditioning & Heating (HVAC)
- Alarms
- Batteries
- Brakes
- Clutch Repairs
- Camshaft Belt Repairs
- Central Locking
- Disc pads
- Drive Belts
- Fault Diagnosis
- Suspension
- Water Pump repairs
- and so much more
B J Autos' team of certified and qualified mechanics will have you and your car back on the road, safely, in no time at all!
We stand by our high level of workmanship, we're reliable, professional and available for your automotive repair needs.
Call our team today or book in your vehicle or visit our website for more information!
What makes us different
We take pride in fulfilling our job efficiently when putting in towbars and dealing with customers' concerns. We supply towbars as well as installing them for vehicles, no matter the type.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BJ-AUTO-Group-and-Northland-Towbar-Trailer-Centre-232803923411252/
alarms-servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.