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Avenues Physio-Fitness. Claire Lovelace & Associates Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 21:27   Medical & Emergency   4/575 Cameron Road Tauranga South Tauranga 3112   26 views Reference: 62498
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Click to get direction: 4/575 Cameron Road Tauranga South Tauranga 3112

Contact Info(s):

O: 075790421

F: 021579042

About Avenues Physio-Fitness. Claire Lovelace & Associates

About Us

Claire Lovelace has been a qualified physiotherapist for the last 20 years. For the last 14 years she has been practising musculo-skeletal and sports physiotherapy in central Tauranga. In order to offer client focussed exercised based physiotherapy Claire established Avenues Physio-Fitness in 2012.

Avenues Physio-Fitness is a committed to providing the highest level of dedicated physiotherapy service, taking genuine care to fulfil the physical rehabilitation and fitness needs of all clients.

We have a friendly team of highly qualified and experienced physiotherapists and exercise consultants who provide a comprehensive range of physiotherapy and fitness services.

At Avenues Physio-Fitness we understand each individual and their injuries are unique. We therefore allow up to one hour for initial consultation so a through assessment and personalised treatment plan can be established. Follow up consultations are then tailored to meet your needs.

If any injury is not improving as expected our expert staff can offer clinical reviews with fellow Physiotherapists, GPs, Orthopaedic Surgeons and Sports Physicians as needed.

Our clinic also offers injury prevention screening and personalised programs, Clinical Pilates, hydrotherapy, high intensity exercise circuits, individualised exercise plans, work-site ergonomic assessments and paediatric specialist clinics.

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