Avalon Tyre & Suspension Centre Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 01:53 Auto Services 94 Avalon Drive Hamilton 3200 25 views Reference: 179716Location: 94 Avalon Drive Hamilton 3200
Click to get direction: 94 Avalon Drive Hamilton 3200
Contact Info(s):
O: 078462191
Products and Services
KindsSealed Lead Acid, Deep Cycle, Absorption Glass Mat, Gel Cell, Radials, Performance Tyres, All Season Tyres, Automotive, Spring, Hydraulic
Markets ServedMarine, Commercial, Residential, Agricultural, Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Residential
Vehicles4WD, Trucks, Vans, Cars, 4WD, 4WD, Trucks, Cars
Vehicle Features4WD
Price InformationSecond Hand
PartsFilters, Steering Systems, Batteries, Shocks & Struts, Automatic Transmissions, Suspensions, Mag Wheels, Brakes, Tyres, Performance Tyres, Shocks & Struts, Retreads
UsesCars, Boats, Vehicles, Trucks, Motorcycles, Tractors
SystemsSuspensions, Steering Systems, Steering
ServicesMaintenance, Repairs, Installation, Testing, Charging, Puncture repairs, Custom Work, Oil Changes, Tyre replacement, Alignments, Precision Alignment, Flushing, Repairs, Balancing, Retreads, Wheel Balancing, Tyre Rotation
BrandsDunlop, Hankook, Firestone, Bridgestone
ProductsSprings, Shocks & Struts, Gas Shocks, Brakes, Mag Wheels, Wheels
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated, Locally Owned & Operated
Service OptionsVisit Us Online, Quotes
About Avalon Tyre & Suspension Centre
In the Shock Absorbers category, Avalon Tyre & Suspension Centre is located in the Waikato Region and are here to help you. Check out Avalon Tyre & Suspension Centre today. We await your call!
What makes us different
We are specialist servicers and retailers for Tyres. We cater to cars and 4x4s with mechanic tune-ups and repairs with a range of services including performance and alignment. Our services include quality oil change, transmission flush and air filter replacement.
Website: http://avalontyres.nz
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