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Autoplex Ltd Professional

Sep 13th, 2022 at 17:20   Auto Services   114 Yarrow Street Invercargill 9810   22 views Reference: 205233
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Click to get direction: 114 Yarrow Street Invercargill 9810

Contact Info(s):

O: 032142444

F: 032184022

Products and Services


Car Tyres


Automotive Mechanics


Engines, Clutches, Tyres, Wheels, Brakes, Clutches, Tyres, Brakes, Batteries, Cambelts


Garage, Workshop, Garage, Workshop


Punctures, Leaks




Inspections, Puncture repairs, Tyre Fittings, Tyre maintenance, Wheel Balancing, Installation, Flat Tyre Repairs, Alignments, Tyre replacement, Tyre Fitting, Balancing, Wheel Alignments, Engineering, Alignments, Tune-ups, Balancing, Repairs, Inspections, Testing, Maintenance, Repairs, Alignments, Tune-ups, Tyre Balancing

Service Options

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Family Owned & Operated, Family Owned & Operated, Warranties, WOF, Warrant of Fitness, Locally Owned & Operated, Family Owned & Operated, Family Owned, Warrant of Fitness, WOF


Motor Trade Association (Inc)
Motor Trade Association (Inc)

About Autoplex Ltd

Looking for quality warrant of fitness repairs at competitive rates? As a family business Autoplex Ltd have been servicing Southland vehicles for over 20 years, so you can rest assured that your requirements are in reliable, experienced hands! We are based on a drive in service for repairs and WOF (no appointment necessary).

Our team of 8 qualified and experienced mechanic's have years of knowledge between them, including a brake specialist with over 30 years of experience! We are the complete one stop drive in Automotive Complex.

Autoplex Ltd is MTA Assured and Auto sure approved. We also are a service provider for most Automotive Warranties. We have the Latest in Snap on Diagnostic Scanner, and The Latest Cemb Wheel Aligner. We are passionate about providing you with fast, efficient and cost-effective servicing and repairs.

We are centrally located on Yarrow Street for your convenience. This means you can drop off your car and leave it while you are at work, or drive-in and go shopping or get some chores done while we work on your car!

What makes us different

Are you looking for a mechanic with a wealth of experience, has impeccable attention to detail and offers exceptional customer service? At Autoplex, we have all your mechanical and remedial repair requirements covered. We cover every aspect of repairs and offer an extensive range of services at competitive prices. For more information or to schedule a booking, contact our friendly team today.

Website: http://www.autoplex.co.nz

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