Autohub Tyres & Mechanical Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 01:23 Auto Services 74A Delta Avenue New Lynn Auckland 30 views Reference: 18393Location: 74A Delta Avenue New Lynn Auckland
Click to get direction: 74A Delta Avenue New Lynn Auckland
Contact Info(s):
O: 0211393870
Products and Services
TradesMechanics, Automotive Mechanics
Markets ServedCommercial, Residential
PartsSuspensions, Tyres, Filters, Brakes, CV Joints, Cambelts
SystemsSteering Systems
ServicesLube Service, Oil Changes, Repairs, Tyre Rotation, Tyre Balancing, Replacement, Tyre Changes
Year est.
About Autohub Tyres & Mechanical
Autohub Tyres & Mechanical - Quick stop for all your mechanical repairs and tyres! With more than 12 years of experience in this industry, our experienced Auto Engineers provide quick and reliable service. We offer services for both commercial and residential sectors including, Mechanical repairs, WOF, Tyres, Brakes, General repairs, Lubes, Steering Suspension, CV joints, Cambelt, Oil and Filter replacement and more. At Quick Stop Tyres and Mechanical we go the extra mile to ensure our customers' vehicles are road safe and we offer great discounts and free WOF with service. For a quick and reliable service, please visit us or give us a call for more information.
What makes us different
With years on years of experience, we've pretty much covered every aspect of motor repairs. Come over to the experts to get the friendly service you deserve, and we'll make sure you're back on the road, in no time at all, just like our name says.
automotive-repairsWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.