Auto Tint & Sound Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 03:05 Auto Services 110 Bond Street Dunedin Central Dunedin 35 views Reference: 186306Location: 110 Bond Street Dunedin Central Dunedin
Click to get direction: 110 Bond Street Dunedin Central Dunedin
Contact Info(s):
O: 032607878
About Auto Tint & Sound
Auto Tint & Sound in Caversham are Car Audio & Security Systems, Window Tinting & Auto Accessories specialists.
We can supply and install anything from a simple and affordable replacement stereo system with the latest features like USB, iPod, Android and Bluetooth support perfectly matched with competitively priced quality speakers, to a full car customization with DVD touch head unit with GPS navigation, amplifiers to power high-end speakers and sub-woofers build into custom fiberglass enclosures, all secured with a custom security system with GPS tracking to notify you the second your car is tampered with and window tints to keep unwanted prying eyes and the sun out.
We supply and install most electronic gadgets & security items in almost anything to an exceptionally high standard and take more time than most others to do the job to my own high standards and will never rush an install on your car just to get the next car in the door,
With over 8 year's expertise in professional car audio and tinting installation, we treat every install as if was our own car and give all our work a life-time warranty.
Please visit our website or call to find out more.
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