Auto Super Shoppe Nelson City Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 22:37 Auto Services 42 Gloucester Street Nelson 7010 22 views Reference: 161842Location: 42 Gloucester Street Nelson 7010
Click to get direction: 42 Gloucester Street Nelson 7010
Contact Info(s):
O: 035466655
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
Products and Services
Vehicle TypeImports, Domestic
PartsAir Bags, Alternators, Starters, Batteries, Anti Lock Brakes
Vehicle Features4WD
ConcernsNo Starts, Breakdowns
SystemsLighting Systems, Air Conditioning, Electrical Systems
ServicesWiring, Inspections, Installation, Diagnostics
Parking options
Free Off-StreetAbout Auto Super Shoppe Nelson City
Are you looking for professional and experienced Automotive Repairs in Nelson City?
We are conveniently located at 42 Gloucester Street (minutes' walk from the central city).
We were previously based in Vanguard Street and have been operating as Automotive Electrical specialists for over 25 years.
You can rely on us for a broad range of services:
- WOF inspections
- Oil and filter changes
- Brakes
- CV joints
- Cambelt replacement
- Clutch repairs
- Exhausts
- Radiators
- Car batteries, and much more
To help diagnose engine and electronically controlled fault codes, we have the latest Autel Maxi System scan tool.
Our full auto electrical repairs and services include:
- Starters
- Alternators
- Wiring issues
- Reverse camera and
- Stereo installations
We are your local experts in vehicle air conditioning and can complete your re-gassing and repairs for your car's A/C system.
What makes us different
We welcome online booking inquiries and accept all major credit cards and Q Card. Call in to meet Gary, Joy, John, Jos and Niwa and see why our many satisfied customers entrust the care of their vehicles to our highly skilled and professional technicians.
automotive-repairsWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.