Auto Super Shoppe Dunedin City Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 17:03 Auto Services 766 Princes Street Dunedin Central Dunedin 18 views Reference: 203849Click to get direction: 766 Princes Street Dunedin Central Dunedin
Contact Info(s):
O: 034773992
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
Vehicles4WD, Trucks, Vans, Cars, 4WD, Cars
Vehicle TypeDomestic, Imports
TradesElectricians, Automotive Mechanics
PartsCambelts, Clutches, Brakes, Car Stereos, Anti Lock Brakes, Carburettors, Alarms, Batteries, Alternators
Vehicle Features4WD
Price InformationMaintenance Contracts
ConcernsCheck Engine Light, Car Accidents, Breakdowns, Punctures, No Starts
Service OptionsVisit Us Online, Online Information
SystemsComputers, ABS, Central Locking, Steering Systems, Air Conditioning, Suspension Systems
ServicesWelding, Grinding, Overhauls, Engineering, Diagnostics, Modifications, Maintenance, Dyno Tuning, Tune-ups, Repairs, Alternations, Oil Changes, 10,000 km Service, Insurance Work, Scheduled Maintenance, Pre-purchase Inspections, Vehicle Diagnostics, Auto Diagnostics, Electrical Work, Alignments, Computer Diagnostics, Tune-ups, Engine Exchanges, Repairs
BrandsAC Delco, Bosch, Champion
AssurancesAftermarket Warranties, WOF, Warrant of Fitness
Year est.
Parking options
Free Off-StreetAssociation
Payment options
About Auto Super Shoppe Dunedin City
For all your servicing and car repairs.
Auto Tuning & Electrical are recognised in the Dunedin region as a 'Top Shoppe', which is why we were invited to join the Auto Super Shoppe chain (New Zealand's Premium Automotive Chain).
We continue to exceed the standard for service, professionalism, technical expertise, convenient amenities and A Grade Technicians.
By providing comprehensive motor vehicle repairs and services such as WOF's, Tyres, Tune-ups, Steering, Brakes, Air conditioning, Clutches, Exhausts, Transmissions and more, motorists now have the opportunity of enjoying a full range of services under one roof.
Courtesy cars, a mini valet and even a treat left in your vehicle are examples of the finishing touches Auto Tuning & Electrical can offer.
Experience the difference and call us now.
What makes us different
We specialise in automotive repairs, new tyres, WOF's and auto electrical services in the Dunedin area. We offer a pre-priced menu board with options, so you can select a service package that's just right for your vehicle. Contact us today for further information about our services.
engine-servicingWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.