Auto Garage Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 01:19 Auto Services Servicing: North Shore, West Auckland, Auckland City, Hibiscus Coast 40 views Reference: 18089Contact Info(s):
O: 094443623
About Auto Garage
Auto Garage provides WOF, professional servicing, tyres, diagnostics and full mechanical repairs. As a battery specialist we offer free battery testing and fitting (conditions apply).
We are located at 78 Porana Road, on the North Shore.
Auto Garage has a focus on friendly and skilled service that is tailored to you and your car. We are also battery specialists, and can test all aspects of your vehicles charging system and fit batteries on the spot.
Our workshop features modern state of the art servicing equipment. We strive for excellence in all facets of our business; customer service, staff, workmanship and the parts we fit.
automotive-partsWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
Auto Garage
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About Seller
Auto Garage provides WOF, professional servicing, tyres, diagnostics and full mechanical repairs. As a battery specialist we offer free battery testing and fitting (conditions apply).
We are located at 78 Porana Road, on the North Shore.
Auto Garage has a focus on friendly and skilled service that is tailored to you and your car. We are also battery specialists, and can test all aspects of your vehicles charging system and fit batteries on the spot.
Our workshop features modern state of the art servicing equipment. We strive for excellence in all facets of our business; customer service, staff, workmanship and the parts we fit.