Auto Electrics Western Bay Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 22:39 Auto Services 15 Aerodrome Road Mt Maunganui Tauranga 3116 32 views Reference: 68754Click to get direction: 15 Aerodrome Road Mt Maunganui Tauranga 3116
Contact Info(s):
O: 075756149
F: 075758185
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
KindsLead Acid, Gel Cell, Sealed Lead Acid, Deep Cycle, Absorption Glass Mat
ItemsSpark Plugs
VehiclesTrailers, Trucks, Cars
ConcernsNo Starts, Electrical Failures, Check Engine Light
Markets ServedCommercial, Marine, Residential, Retail, Commercial, Marine, Residential
PartsCar Stereos, Starters, Electric Windows, Lights, Spotlights, Alternators, Alarms, Starter Motors, Power Windows, Batteries, Lamps
UsesSport Motorcycles, Golf Carts, Starters, Family Boats, Scooters, Forklifts, RVs, Powerboats, Sport Bikes, Cars, Boats, Vehicles, Starter Motors, Trucks, Motorcycles, Tractors
SystemsCentral Locking, Air Conditioning
ServicesTesting, Charging, Diagnostics, Wiring, Installation, Charging, Tune-ups
Vehicle TypeDomestic, Imports
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated
Year est.
Parking options
Free On-StreetPayment options
About Auto Electrics Western Bay
Stranded With a Dead Battery? Can't Start The Car? No Worries! Auto Electrics Western Bay have 2 call-out vehicles on standby to help!
Auto Electrics Western Bay is a well established auto electrical business covering Mount Maunganui/ Tauranga and the out lying areas. Based in Mount Maunganui, we work on a wide range of vehicles from Golf Carts to Cars, Trucks, Forklifts, Diggers and Trailers.
We are also part of the well known New Zealand-wide battery chain 'Battery Town' which supplies us with 'Hella Endurant' batteries. We cover all aspects of the auto electrical industry including starter motors, alternators, electric windows, central locking, stereos, alarms, wiring and engine management.
In our Parts department if we do not carry what you need, we will try to locate it for you, be it a switch, wiper blade, back up buzzer, lamp, bulb or trailer plug.
For all your auto electrical work you can contact us today.
P.S. We also accept BD, Q Card, and Farmerscard.
What makes us different
Auto electrics is what we do! Our customers come from a wide range of industries. The vehicles we service are varying sizes. For a comprehensive service give us a call today!
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.