Audika Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 23:52 Health & Beauty Whangarei 23 views Reference: 168364Location: Whangarei
Contact Info(s):
O: 075700254
About Audika
Audika: The new name in hearing care solutions for New Zealand.
With the largest network of clinics across Auckland, our team of clinicians & friendly staff share the same goal: to bring back the sounds of life to those with a hearing loss.
Our fully qualified audiologists have significant experience in selecting the best option for your hearing loss. We recognise that no two hearing problems are the same & believe that listening to you is the most important factor in helping you hear better.
Services include:
- Comprehensive Diagnostic Hearing Tests
- Occupational Screening Hearing Tests
- ACC & War Pensions Approved Assessments
- Hearing Aid Fittings
- Tinnitus Counselling
- Hearing Protection Advice
Visit our website for branch locations & to book a free hearing screening & demonstration.
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About Seller
Audika: The new name in hearing care solutions for New Zealand.
With the largest network of clinics across the country, our team of clinicians & friendly staff share the same goal: to bring back the sounds of life to those with a hearing loss.
Our fully qualified audiologists have significant experience in selecting the best option for your hearing loss. We recognise that no two hearing problems are the same & believe that listening to you is the most important factor in helping you hear better.
Services include:
Comprehensive Diagnostic Hearing Tests
Occupational Screening Hearing Tests
ACC & War Pensions Approved Assessments
Hearing Aid Fittings
Tinnitus Counselling
Hearing Protection Advice
Visit our website for branch locations & to book a free hearing screening & demonstration.