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Auckland Reinforcing Services (1995) Ltd Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 02:29   Auto Services   82 Hunua Road Papakura Auckland   26 views Reference: 23884
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Click to get direction: 82 Hunua Road Papakura Auckland

Contact Info(s):

O: 092962085

F: 092962089

Opening hours


Products and Services




Rods, Guard Rails, Castings, Fittings, Cages, Gates, Piling

Price Information

Free Estimates


Alloys, Stainless Steel, Structural Steel, Steel



Markets Served

Residential, Commercial

Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street

Payment options

Credit Terms Available
Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)
Personal Cheques

Mailing address

PO Box 2721100 PAPAKURA 2244

About Auckland Reinforcing Services (1995) Ltd

We provide pre fabricated cages and cut and bend supply for piles, columns and footings of any size and shape. Our main priority is providing the best service that we possibly can and delivering the required product on time. Auckland Reinforcing proven track record of quality is second to none.

Auckland Reinforcing adaptability and distinctive approach to each individual project means that we can either handle the project in its entirety or in stages, as per required by the client.

Stirrup footing cages
We can pre fabricate cages of any size or shape with or without starters. These can be made up in 6 metre lengths or lengths made to fit.

Retaining wall
Retaining wall cages can be made to suit requirements and specifications.

Piles can be made to any length or diameter and any specifications (i.e. 4m diameter and 3m long).

Cut and bend
Reinforcing steel can be supplied cut and bend to any specification and tagged for easy reference.

Visit our website for further information and give us a call today!

What makes us different

Our main priority is providing the best service that we possibly can and delivering the required product on time. We can either handle the project in its entirety or in stages, as per required by the client. Our groups of workers are devoted to service right from the preliminary query through to the delivery of the completed product.

Website: http://waliareinforcing.co.nz

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