Auckland Japanese Car Parts Centre Ltd Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 01:14 Auto Services 322 Church Street Penrose Auckland 1061 34 views Reference: 17563Location: 322 Church Street Penrose Auckland 1061
Click to get direction: 322 Church Street Penrose Auckland 1061
Contact Info(s):
O: 096345546
F: 096367138
Products and Services
AssurancesGenuine Parts
VehiclesToyota, Honda, Subaru, Nissan, Cars, Mitsubishi, Daihatsu, Suzuki, Mazda, Honda
Vehicle Features4WD
PartsRadiators, Gearboxes, Shocks & Struts, Bumpers, Alternators, Tyres, Headlights, Doors, Body Panels, Taillights, Tailgates, Bumpers, Doors, Headlights, Body Panels
ServicesDismantling, Salvaging
MakesSubaru, Toyota, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Daihatsu, Suzuki, Mazda
Year est.
Parking options
Free Off-StreetAssociation
Payment options
About Auckland Japanese Car Parts Centre Ltd
At Auckland Japanese Car parts Centre Limited we specialize quality used parts for Japanese cars. You'll experience prompt, efficient service and delivery, and fair prices that are probably the best in New Zealand.
Some of our parts include:
- Body Panels
- Bumpers
- Guards
- Headlights
- Doors
- Taillights and Tailgates
- Bootlids
Some of our brands include:
- Toyota
- Nissan
- Mitsubishi
- Mazda
- Honda
- Subaru and much, much more...
We are a family business that is well respected by the local trade and our overseas suppliers. We have an enviable reputation for quality, reliability and speed, so call our friendly team today for more information!
What makes us different
If you're after automotive parts, you've come to right place. Our quality Japanese stock is fairly priced - you'll be hard-pressed to find it cheaper elsewhere.
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.