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Auckland Commercial Spares Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 06:09   Auto Services   Servicing: Auckland City, Manukau City, North Shore, Papakura Area, West Auckland   27 views Reference: 44928

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Contact Info(s):

O: 098276195

Opening hours


Products and Services

Vehicle Type

Domestic, Imports

Vehicle Size



Ute, Ute


Toyota, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Ute, Ford, Mazda, Ford, Toyota, Mazda


Ford, Toyota, Minivans, Cargo Vans, Storage Vans, Nissan, Cars, Ute, 4WD, Trucks, Light Duty Trucks, Vans, Econovan, Utes, Mazda, Ford, Toyota, Nissan, Cars, 4WD, Vans, Utes, Mazda

Price Information

Second Hand

Vehicle Features

Rear Wheel Drives, AWD, Automatic, 4WD, Manual, FWD


Dismantling, Repairs, Dismantling


Engines, Radiators, Gearboxes, Lights, Bumpers, Headlights, Body Panels, Brakes, Filters, Engines, Gearboxes, Clutches, Headlights, CV Joints, Body Panels, Brakes



Markets Served

Commercial, Commercial, Residential

Vehicle Style

Light Duty


Privately Owned & Operated, Genuine Parts, Guaranteed, Independently Owned & Operated, Guaranteed, Over 20 Years Experience, Independently Owned & Operated

Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street

Payment options

Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)

About Auckland Commercial Spares

Auckland Commercial Spares specialises in Lite Commercials, Vans, Utes, and 4WD. For over 20 years we have prided ourselves in providing our customers with prompt, knowledgable, efficient service. We deal mainly with Toyota but are continually dismantling Nissan, Mazda, Ford and Toyota - Vans, Utes, and 4WD's.

90% of our vehicles are bought in New Zealand but we do have a small selection of imported stock. We sell guaranteed new and used parts at competitive prices, and all our parts are sold with a 90 day warranty.

We're the "Good Guys", so contact us today and let us impress you with our service.

What makes us different

Auckland Commercial Spares is a privately owned Dismantlers. We have over 20 years experience specializing in Lite Commercials, Vans, Utes, and 4WD. We offer quality service, and guaranteed new and used parts with a 90 day warranty. Contact us today and let us impress you.

Website: http://www.aucklandcommercialspares.co.nz

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