Asmuss Hawkes Bay Professional
Sep 9th, 2022 at 22:27 Auto Services Servicing: Panmure 35 views Reference: 2909Location: Servicing: Panmure
Contact Info(s):
O: 068437900
About Asmuss Hawkes Bay
We are the largest privately owned supplier of pipeline products in New Zealand. Founded in 1920, we have extensive capabilities to source and supply world leading pipeline and steel products, providing top technical expertise and after sale support.
For over 90 years we have been known as a pioneer and leader in our field. This leadership has been maintained through the company policy of continuous cost efficiency, quality management, depth of experience, structured regular expansion, and upkeep with technological progress.
Our reliability, quality products, personal service, financial strength and sustainable growth of shareholder return has developed our successful reputation.
Please call our knowledgeable staff or visit our website for more information.
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