Ashton Panel & Paint Professional
Sep 15th, 2022 at 18:35 Auto Services 35A Wakefield Street Lower Hutt 5010 21 views Reference: 280517Location: 35A Wakefield Street Lower Hutt 5010
Click to get direction: 35A Wakefield Street Lower Hutt 5010
Contact Info(s):
O: 045699363
F: 0274473111
About Ashton Panel & Paint
At Ashton Panel and Paint, we do expert vehicle body repairs and paintwork at realistic prices.
As experienced Panel Beaters, we specialise in Spray Painting, Insurance Work, Chassis Straightening, Du Pont Certified Refinisher and we offer 3yr Warranty, Pick-Up and Delivery. We ensure all our customers are satisfied with our service.
For more information, please give us a call today.
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Seller Information
Ashton Panel & Paint
Total Listing
About Seller
At Ashton Panel and Paint, we do expert vehicle body repairs and paintwork at realistic prices.
As experienced Panel Beaters, we specialise in Spray Painting, Insurance Work, Chassis Straightening, Du Pont Certified Refinisher and we offer 3yr Warranty, Pick-Up and Delivery. We ensure all our customers are satisfied with our service.
For more information, please give us a call today.