Ashburton Contracting Ltd (ACL) Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 18:48 Auto Services Servicing: Ashburton 32 views Reference: 94179Location: Servicing: Ashburton
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Contact Info(s):
O: 033084039
Products and Services
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated, Registered, Certified, Locally Owned & Operated, Registered, Locally Owned & Operated, Registered, Locally Owned & Operated, Certified, Locally Owned & Operated, Registered, Certified
PlacesTennis Courts, Driveways, Driveways, Driveways, Car Parks, Driveways, Tennis Courts
EquipmentExcavators, Grinders, Mixers, Equipment Trailers, Bulldozers, Diggers, Flatbed Trucks, Light Duty Trucks, Excavators, Generators
ItemsKerbs, Pavement
UsesConstruction Equipment
Markets ServedCommercial, Residential, Industrial, Agricultural, Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Agricultural, Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural, Commercial, Industrial, Commercial, Industrial
SourcePetrol, Diesel
ProductsConcrete, Kerbs
MaterialsCement, Aggregates, Grout, Granite, Asphalt, Gravel, Concrete, Cement, Aggregates, Asphalt, Sand, Soil, Sand, Concrete, Cement, Sand, Concrete, Asphalt
ServicesRemoval, Consulting, Gardening, Landscaping, Maintenance, Building, Cutting, Digging, Earthmoving, Building Maintenance, Construction, Guttering, Land Development, Repairs, Excavations, Removal, Landscaping, Sitework, Earthmoving, Construction, Site Development, Land Clearing, Repairs, Excavations, Clearing, Testing, Maintenance, Rebuilding, Building Maintenance, Repairs, Landscaping, Maintenance, Excavating, Site Preparation, Building Maintenance, Land Clearing, Repairs, Maintenance, Repairs, Transportation, Removal, Development, Consulting, Sealing, Landscaping, Maintenance, Sitework, Excavating, Construction, Building Maintenance, Repairs, Excavations
Price InformationCommercial Accounts, Service Contracts, Maintenance Contracts, Service Contracts
Service OptionsVisit Us Online, Consultations, Online Information, Visit Us Online, Consultations, Quotes, Mobile Service, Consultations, Online Information, Quotes, Consultations, Consultations, Quotes, Visit Us Online, Consultations, Online Information, Quotes
Mailing address
PO Box 264 Ashburton
About Ashburton Contracting Ltd (ACL)
Welcome to Ashburton Contracting Ltd, leaders in the local civil contracting industry.
We specialize in road sealing, asphalt supply and placing, subdivision site-works, kerb and channel construction, utilities installation and maintenance as well as transport and excavation jobs and dairy underpass supply and installation.
We operate a modern fleet of excavators, trucks, graders, leaders and specialized plant as well as light vehicles and construction equipment.
Our company is fully registered for Transit New Zealands quality standards. All our staff are highly trained and receive ongoing training in Quality Management. Our staff are committed to delivering quality and timely service base on our customers requirements.
Please visit our website for more information about the services we provide, or give our friendly, professional team at Ashburton Contracting Ltd a call today to discuss you requirements.
What makes us different
We provide a wide range of surfacing solutions for roads, driveways, footpaths, yards, car parks and tennis courts, including asphalt, chip seal and concrete. Our highly experienced asphalting crew are readily available to lay asphalt for commercial and residential projects.
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