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Architects Plus Professional

Sep 15th, 2022 at 22:18   Professional Services   Servicing: Canterbury Region, Timaru Oamaru Region, West Coast, Nelson Region   33 views Reference: 296853

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Contact Info(s):

O: 033798086

F: 0274330086

About Architects Plus

Architects Plus is your local architect firm based in Christchurch and Wanaka. We specialise in commercial and residential architecture. Here at Architects Plus, we are interested in all aspects of design and focus on creating beautiful yet functional spaces.

Contact us for an innovative and tailored design.

Founded in 2003 by Principal Architect, Graham McDermid, Architects Plus is a registered practice and member of the New Zealand Institute of Architects. Our team of experienced designers have worked on projects nationally and internationally, ranging in complexity including Multi-Storey Commercial, Retail, Industrial, Urban Planning, Health Care, Institutional and Residential projects. As a result, our studio has over 70 years combined experience in the industry.

We offer a professional service from conception to physical completion of the project. Furthermore, we pride ourselves on an emphasis of creativity balanced with the needs of the client and budgetary restraints. Additionally we work closely with other industry professionals to deliver buildings that, through considered design, achieve economic and efficient outcomes. As a result, Architects Plus has earned a reputation in the construction industry as a creative architectural practice offering an individual, high-end and professional service.

The studio offers a complete architect service tailored to each project:

Feasibility Studies
Initial Planning
Conceptual Proposals
3D Visualisations
Developed Design
Interior Design
Drawings for Building Consent
Documentation for Building Tender
Working Documentation for Building Construction
Contract Administration

We coordinate our service from our studio located in Christchurch tailoring our service to the individual project and client objectives.

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