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Aotea Electric Southern Professional

Sep 13th, 2022 at 16:39   Trades & Services   23 Macandrews Road Dunedin   27 views Reference: 201450

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Click to get direction: 23 Macandrews Road Dunedin

Contact Info(s):

O: 034551039

F: 034551036

Products and Services


Cars, Cars


Security Equipment, Smoke Alarms, Security Cameras, Vehicles, Electric Appliances, Alarms, Motors, Pumps, Appliances, Controls, Phones





Service Areas



Security, Engineering, Computerised Security Gate, Security Monitoring, Security, Fire Alarm Systems, Home Security, Event Security, Design, Engineering, To Customer Requirements, Preventative Maintenance, Maintenance, Customising, Engineering, Installation, Repairs, Security, Cabling, Testing




Alarms, Access Control Systems, Alarms, Alarms, Power Tools, Access Control Systems


Access Control Systems, Access Control Systems

Markets Served

Commercial, Industrial, Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Industrial, Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Industrial


Locally Owned & Operated, Guaranteed


Studios, Offices, Schools, Home Offices, Houses, Homes

Year est.


Mailing address

PO Box 922 Dunedin 9054

About Aotea Electric Southern

At Aotea Electric Southern, we offer the full range of top-quality electrical and related services for successful projects, ranging from new project design, upgrades and expansion, trouble-shooting, testing and repair. Whether it's a new 10 storey apartment building, or an old house needing a new switch board, heat pump installation or heat pump repair, our electricians and electrical service people will deliver the results for you.

Some of our services include:

  • Electrical Services
    Commercial, Industrial or Residential electrical contractor work, small jobs or major projects, we've successfully taken on every type of electrical service there is.

  • Communications
    Aotea can provide specific solutions to suit every application and need, from large corporate networks to workgroup solutions, and everything in between.

  • Security
    Aotea Security has the skills and resources needed to design, supply, install and maintain integrated Access control, Intruder detection, and CCTV systems.

  • Fire Protection
    Aotea Electric's Fire Protection professionals specialise in the swift and efficient installation and maintenance of fire detectors, and alarms.

Aotea Electric is a Master Electrician and a member of the Electrical Contractors Association of New Zealand (ECANZ)

So for all your Electrical Engineer & Contractor needs call Aotea Electric Southern needs today!

What makes us different

We provide a wide range of electrical services for residential, commercial and industrial projects. Our experienced technicians have a wealth of knowledge and use high quality power tools and equipment to ensure the job is done right.

Website: http://www.aoteaelectric.co.nz

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