Aorere College Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 01:35 Child Care Services Portage Road Papatoetoe Auckland 2025 40 views Reference: 19650Location: Portage Road Papatoetoe Auckland 2025
Click to get direction: Portage Road Papatoetoe Auckland 2025
Contact Info(s):
O: 092785608
F: 092790640
Products and Services
ClassesBiology, English, Geography, Literacy, PE, Maths, Languages, Science, Earth Science, Computers, Art, Drama, Music, Chemistry, Health, Languages, Maths, Computers, History, Design, Accounting, Art
ServingSchool Age
DurationSchool Year
Service OptionsVisit Us Online
ServicesExam Preparation, Child Care
ProgrammesCultural Programmes
Year est.
About Aorere College
Welcome to Aorere College, where our focus is on the education and development of young people, both from New Zealand and international students.
Our curriculum is both broad and balanced, following the essential learning areas specified by the Ministry of Education. This includes:
- English
- The Arts
- Health and Physical Education
- Learned Languages
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Science
- Social Sciences
- Technology
We also provide a wide range of alternative courses, offering credits towards National Certificates, accredited by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. Extra activities offered for students include sports and cultural opportunities and performing arts events/groups.
We have on on-site early childhood education centre, and offer Adult Education courses throughout the year.
Please visit our website to learn more about the education opportunities offered at Aorere College, and then call or email to discuss all your requirements today.
What makes us different
Our motto is Virtus Caelum Recludit. which translates to 'Character opens the way to the heavens', this motto came about from Professor B.F. Harris of the Classics Department of the University of Auckland. When working with the name of the school and the suggesting of the widening horizons, Haris discovered a passage in the Horace's Odes, Book 11 lines 21,22, this expressed the sentiments which seemed most appropriate.
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