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Anthony Harper Professional

Sep 9th, 2022 at 22:11   Professional Services   6/66 Wyndham Street Auckland 1010   32 views Reference: 1304

0.0 star

Click to get direction: 6/66 Wyndham Street Auckland 1010

Contact Info(s):

O: 099206400

F: 099209599

Mailing address

PO Box 2646 Auckland 1140

About Anthony Harper

Anthony Harper - an internationally ranked, national law firm

There is a difference.

Anthony Harper is a modern and innovative law firm with a reputation for providing excellent results for our clients. We believe there is a difference in the service we offer our clients, one based on reliability, responsiveness, and expertise. This difference has propelled our growth and we are now one of the top ten law firms in the country. Our internationally ranked and award-winning national team, of over 130, has helped and advised New Zealand and international clients achieve their goals for over 150 years.

We are deeply immersed in our 27 specialist areas: automotive, banking and finance, insolvency and corporate recovery, construction, corporate advisory, cross border investments, employment, financial services, food and beverage, health and safety, hotels and tourism, insurance, immigration, intellectual property, litigation, logistics and transport, property, public law, privacy, resource management, retail, retirement villages, tax, technology, tourism and trusts and asset planning. Our team are considered thought-leaders in their respective sectors, providing in-depth, comprehensive and current legal advice.



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