Anne Doyle - Cranial Osteopath Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 02:05 Medical & Emergency 29 Great Road Riverhead Auckland 0820 26 views Reference: 22081Location: 29 Great Road Riverhead Auckland 0820
Click to get direction: 29 Great Road Riverhead Auckland 0820
Contact Info(s):
O: 094122665
F: 0274891655
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
Insurance AcceptedAccident Compensation Corporation
AnatomyJoints, Muscles, Back
Payment OptionsCheques, Debit Cards
ConcernsOccupational Overuse Syndrome, Aches, Menopause, Migraines, Chronic Pain, Stress, Pain, Injuries, Accidents, Headaches, Insomnia
Service OptionsBy Appointment
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated, Independently Owned & Operated
Year est.
Parking options
Free Off-StreetPayment options
Mailing address
29 Gt. North Road Riverhead Auckland 0820
About Anne Doyle - Cranial Osteopath
This Osteopathic clinic is located in quiet, beautiful Riverhead. The clinic itself is surrounded by a lovely garden, with ponds, fish, birds, flowers and trees. Riverhead is easy to reach, being about 20 mins drive from Albany or easily accessed from the end of the North Western Motorway (10 mins from there). Anne's clinic has been in Riverhead for the past seven years and prior to that was based in Browns Bay.
Anne is an Osteopath who works with people of all ages and with all types of presenting conditions, from new born infants to the elderly. It is impossible to list either the sites or the issues themselves that patients present with. Suffice to say that anything which is impeding health, balance and well-being, physical or emotional is open to help from Osteopathy. Osteopathy itself has been around since 1879 and is one of the oldest forms of hands on healing, besides Chinese medicine. It is based on the philosophy that the body is always striving towards health and that it contains all its own medicines. Therefore the role of the Osteopath is to understand and diagnose where the impediments to this self healing continuum are located. Then, using gentle manual healing and hands on techniques, based on the principles of osteopathy, to release and re-balance the physical body, thereby unburdening it of all it no longer needs to carry. This process allows the well-being of the individual to improve in a much broader sense as everything within the body affects everything else. Osteopathy is holistic and this means understanding how physical problems affect our emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. With this in mind we can see how addressing any of these areas will benefit the "whole". Osteopathy is a science, an art and a skill and a unique way of understanding health.
With the primary focus on "salutogenesis" , which is focusing on factors that support human health and well-being, rather than on factors that cause disease, Osteopathy can be seen to be relevant in an amazingly wide range of situations, encompassing the physical and the "whole" well-being of the person, of any age and condition.
There is no risk involved in this treatment. It is gentle, non-invasive and compassionate. It is not about "fixing" the person but about helping them to realise what has happened and what is needed to move forward from this place.
Patients often present in an acute state and in lots of pain and this situation, along with people who have chronic problems, are part of the wide range of presentations at this clinic.
Some people will require only a small number of treatments, however, depending on the source of a problem and the duration and complexity, some patients will require more treatments over a longer duration.
Often people come along with no presenting complaint, but a wish to assist where needed to work with improving their health and their journey through life. This is wonderful as it also allows for healing to reach areas that may need help but are not yet manifesting any "dis-ease" patterns. Remember Osteopathy is about working to promote health, either in health or in "dis-ease". Assisting the being to assist itself.
Cranial Osteopathy does not mean only working on the head. It involves working with the whole physical being including the head, nervous systems, peripheral, autonomic and central nervous systems, organs, vasculature, lymphatics and basically all that is the physical body. As everything within the body is connected it is then possible to effect change anywhere it is needed by working from another location on the body. This allows for change under one's hands and in the distal location. It is gentle but profound in its ability to reach deeply and is a means of diagnosis and treatment that has proven itself over time with innumerable success stories.
What makes us different
Anne Doyle is an Osteopath who has proven herself, over twenty one years of clinical life, to be able to help people who have been unable to be helped by standard medical and other alternative treatment approaches.
When a person has come to the place of feeling there is no hope of change, this is when Anne can make a positive difference. The journey of change may take time but if the individual is ready to change then they will with Anne's ability to diagnose and assist healing from a wider viewpoint.
Osteopathy is about understanding that the body is always striving towards health. Therefore, as an Osteopath, it is about finding what is restricting this natural progression and then assisting the body to heal itself. Removing the blocks to help the body restore harmony and balance and, therefore, health.
Osteopathy is usually thought about in the context of humans, however the principles of Osteopathy can be applied to animals as well. Horses, cats, dogs and most pets are amenable to treatment and usually respond very well.
Anne has been working as an equine osteopath alongside her regular clinic for about eighteen years. Often horses are transported to the clinic where they can be treated on the property. If this is not possible for the owner then going to them is also an option. Over the years great success has been achieved with treatment of horses, cats, dogs and and even pet rabbits. Animals always enjoy being treated as it is gentle and they know instinctively that they are getting help for whatever problem them might have.
So if you are feeling quite well but your pet is struggling then you might like to phone the clinic and have a word with Anne. If treatment is not possible then some advice and recommendations can be given.
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