Annan Jeffrey R Professional
Sep 15th, 2022 at 19:06 Medical & Emergency Kelvin House, 2/16 The Terrace Wellington 33 views Reference: 282980Click to get direction: Kelvin House, 2/16 The Terrace Wellington
Contact Info(s):
O: 044725516
F: 044725448
About Annan Jeffrey R
Are you looking for Dentists in the Wellington Region? Annan Jeffrey R service this area, and have been around since 1975. Get in touch today!
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Seller Information
Annan Jeffrey R
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About Seller
"My practicing philosophy is to provide patients with high quality care in a relaxed and friendly environment in down town Wellington"
Whether you require general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, implants or restorative dentistry, I place an emphasis on communication and creating treatment programs that provide maximum benefit, with the least intervention to match your expectations.
Call us for an appointment or see our website.