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Andersen Civil & Drainage Ltd Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 15:41   Trades & Services   17 Allen Mills Road Ngapuna Rotorua 3010   18 views Reference: 82027

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Servicing: Opotiki Area, Rotorua Area, Taupo Area, Whakatane Area

Click to get direction: 17 Allen Mills Road Ngapuna Rotorua 3010

Contact Info(s):

O: 073470449

F: 0275501157

Opening hours


Products and Services


Retaining Walls, Manholes, Culverts, Sewers


Drains, Septic Systems, Grease Traps, Septic Tanks, Footings, Septic Pumps, Stormwater Drains


Drainage Contractors


Drilling, Drainlaying, Excavating


Roots, Clogged Drains, Stormwater, Broken Pipes

Markets Served

Commercial, Residential, Industrial


Registered, Family Owned & Operated

Mailing address

PO Box 10054 Rotorua Mail Centre Rotorua 3046

About Andersen Civil & Drainage Ltd

Drainlaying is a specialised trade, so it pays to have the right people with the right knowledge and experience to get the job done.

Andersen Civil & Drainage Ltd is locally owned and operated family business that has been providing drainage services in the BOP for 20 years.

Services we can offer include residential and commercial drainage big and small, earthworks, civil works, surface water drainage and construction, new housing, septic tanks, sewer and stormwater, retaining walls, driveways, and much more.

Chris owner/operator, formerly a Civil Engineer in and around the Bay of Plenty, with 13 years of experience can offer the complete package, from drainage to project management.

With the focus on expanding the business, in August 2016 we acquired Rigney Earthworks Bobcat Services from Bill Rigney who has been providing Earthworks and Bobcat Services around Rotorua for the past 42 years.

Our team are fully qualified and we use the highest quality products available from leading suppliers Humes, MICO and Waipapa Tanks

We offer Free quotes for jobs in around the Rotorua Area, so give us a call!

What makes us different

Andersen Civil & Drainage can offer the complete package. From Drainage to Earthworks - Big or Small - Residential and Commercial. Contact us for more information.

Website: https://www.andersendrainage.co.nz

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