Ancor Loc NZ Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 17:34 Professional Services Servicing: Cambridge Area, Coromandel Area, Hamilton, Huntly Area, Morrinsville Area, Otorohanga Area, Te Awamutu Area 33 views Reference: 139303Contact Info(s):
O: 0800224343
F: 078713774
Products and Services
KindsRotary, Geotechnical, Horizontal
ItemsPiling, Anchors
EquipmentAugers, Hydraulic Equipment, Big Rig
Service OptionsFree Quotes
ServicesTesting, Maintenance, Design, Stabilisation, Anchoring, Underpinning
Markets ServedMarine
AssurancesFamily Owned & Operated
Year est.
About Ancor Loc NZ
Ancor Loc New Zealand Ltd is a leading supplier of quality Civil and Geotechnical Construction products. Since 1996 weve distributed quality USA manufactured products to the Australasian markets, including;
Williams Form Engineering
o Grade 75 (500MPa) All-Thread-Rebar
o Grade 150 (1034MPa) All-Thread-Rebar
o GeoDrill Grout Injection system (Self Drilling Anchor)
o Fibreglass Soil Nail System (temporary and permanent applications)
o Multistrand Anchors
o A range of proprietary rock and concrete bolts and hardware
Maclean Civil Products
o Maclean Dixie Helical Piles
o Duckbill anchors
o Manta Ray and Sting Ray Anchors
C&M Manufacturing.
o D2K Centralsiers
o Multistrand spacers and separators
Together with our contracting company, Ancor Loc Earth Systems Ltd, we continue to provide effective and timely solutions for many applications from concept/design through to installation/testing/commissioning. Contracting services we provide;
Grouted tie backs: Soil Nails, Rock Bolts, Multi-Strand Anchors, and Grout Injection Anchors.
Mechanical Anchors: Duckbill, Manta Ray & Sting-Ray anchor systems.
Drilling: Auger Drilling, Rock Drilling, Micro-piles, Casing Systems, and Water Drilling.
Grouting: Primary grouting, secondary grouting, pressure grouting, jet grouting, and compression testing.
Anchor Testing Service: Suitability, Performance and Proof testing in accordance with BS8081:1989 British Standard Code of Practice for Ground Anchorages, or specific design.
Full Contracting Service: design, supply, installation and testing anchors customised to your project.
Ancor Loc continues to lead the way in product quality and construction techniques.
Please contact us for an obligation free quote or some friendly advice for your project.
What makes us different
What makes Ancor Loc different is our focus to use resourceful and inventive ideas while working closely with our clients.
drillersWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.