Amsoil - Synthetic Oil NZ Ltd Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 16:27 Auto Services Christchurch 19 views Reference: 86602Location: Christchurch
Contact Info(s):
O: 033383255
F: 033383230
About Amsoil - Synthetic Oil NZ Ltd
AMSOIL FORMULATES A WIDE SELECTION OF SYNTHETIC LUBRICATING OILS for all types of engine and gear applications, including those for specialized vehicles and severe operating conditions. In addition, AMSOIL has developed sophisticated fuel additives, filtration systems and other companion products that supplement and extend lubricant performance. All are distributed through a worldwide network of independent Dealers. This complete line of quality products is recognized by countless private motorists, fleet managers and industrial administrators as the best and most cost-effective choice for increasing engine performance, reducing maintenance and prolonging vehicle and equipment life. Making history with synthetics.
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