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Alldred-Lugton Susan Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 01:20   Medical & Emergency   Servicing: Motueka Area, Murchison Area, Nelson Area, Takaka Area   26 views Reference: 228143

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Contact Info(s):

O: 035487945

F: 0275202041

Products and Services


Counselling, Counselling, Debriefing, Life Coaching, Employee Assistance, Assessments


Anxiety Disorders, Panic Attacks, Self-esteem, Postpartum Depression, Insomnia, Stress, Anxiety, Trauma, Marriage, Depression, Grief, Relationships, Suicidal Thoughts, Mid-life Crisis, Postpartum Depression, Eating Disorders, Conflict, Stress, Panic Attacks, Parenting, Panic, Anger, Sleep Disorders, Insomnia, Behavioural Disorders, Self-esteem, Trauma, Marriage, Abuse, Depression, Panic, Postpartum Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Conflict, Insomnia, Step-family Issues, Trauma, Abuse, Parenting

Service Options

Visit Us Online, Online Information, New Patients Welcome


Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy


Individuals, Children, Adults, Families, Families, Couples, Adults, Individuals, Parents, Women, Families, Youth, Couples, Men, Individuals

About Alldred-Lugton Susan

If you have been worrying about your life and feeling distressed and anxious, you can speak with someone like myself who can offer you a private space to talk, and sort things through.

Some of the things I can talk about with you include:
- Relationships, marriage, divorce and reconciliation - Depression - including postnatal and menopause - Trauma and all forms of anxiety - Infertility issues and pregnancy: Mothers and babies - Parenting - And many other issues that worry people

Visit my website today for more information about how I can help you through counselling services or phone for an appointment today.

What makes us different

I am a registered psychologist providing Counselling Services. I am trained in the therapeutic method of psychotherapy, an approach involving talk therapy to draw out the more unconscious aspects of ourselves that we may have hidden. Call me when you would like to make an appointment. Fees are negotiable.

Website: http://www.alldredlugtonsusan.co.nz

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/susan-alldred-lugton-74237931

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