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AllAbouttheHound Professional

Sep 15th, 2022 at 21:11   Pet Services   123 Cole Street Masterton 5810   22 views Reference: 294576

0.0 star

Servicing: Masterton Area

Click to get direction: 123 Cole Street Masterton 5810

Contact Info(s):

O: 063775911

F: 02041634035

About AllAbouttheHound

Grooming & Dog Training
Established in 2013, AllAbouttheHound offers professional dog training and professional grooming. As a graduate of the Karen Pryor Academy, AllAbouttheHound holds the title of Certified Training Partner (KPA CTP), as well as being internationally certified professional groomers.

AllAbouttheHound's main focus is to educate and help you to nurture a great relationship between you and your best friend. We love what we do and are committed to caring for your dogs as if they were our own, while offering you flexibility, convenience and value for money. Your dog needs environmental, physical and psychological enrichment - we provide these through socialisation, exercise, training and education. We are passionate about dogs having positive grooming experiences during their lives and we work with owner and puppy on positive start to grooming programmes using positive reinforcement training. Our small team is committed to providing you and your dog with a positive experience and we look forward to welcoming you to AllAbouttheHound HQ.
AllAbouttheHound - Where love for dogs abounds.

Members of APDT, KPA, IPG

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