All Steel Services 2005 Ltd Professional
Sep 9th, 2022 at 22:13 Auto Services 150 Captain Springs Road Onehunga Auckland 1061 22 views Reference: 1464Click to get direction: 150 Captain Springs Road Onehunga Auckland 1061
Contact Info(s):
O: 096347625
F: 0275178498
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
Products and Services
ItemsPipes, Buildings, Vehicles, Fences, Channels
Markets ServedCommercial, Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Residential, Industrial
MaterialsAlloy Steel, Carbon Steel, Phosphor Steel, Galvanised Steel, Structural Steel, Stainless Steel, Mild Steel, Tool Steel, Steel, Alloys, Stainless Steel, Steel
Service OptionsSecond Opinions, Consultations, On-site Service, Rush Jobs, Online Information
ServicesFabrication, Maintenance, Welding, Fabrication, Consulting
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated, Certified
Year est.
Parking options
Pay & DisplayAbout All Steel Services 2005 Ltd
All Steel Services are specialists in Steel Fabrication and our expertise is unmatched in NZ. We can help you with Residential & Commercial steel fabrication, and offer Welding services onsite, and at the workshop.
We at All Steel Services are dedicated to providing a highly-efficient, cost-effective service and are devoted to producing the highest quality and standards of operation.
We are highly-committed to providing customer satisfaction and maintain excellent relationships with our customers.
Our highly-skilled team of craftsmen and engineers have the knowledge, experience and expertise to carry out a wide range of specialist steel fabrications to suit all industries and requirements.
Give us a call, or send an email for enquiries.
Best regards,Bob Dejager
What makes us different
We pride ourselves on being your reliable engineering consultants in Auckland for residential, commercial and industry projects. We'll take the risk out of your next project by offering you specialist advice that will give your project an edge. If you're looking for safe and practical solutions, you're looking for us.
steel-processingWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.