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Alarm Solutions Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 18:50   Alarms Services   6 Coppell Place Hillmorton Christchurch 8025   26 views Reference: 94399

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Servicing: Amberley Area, Christchurch, Darfield Area, Oxford Area, Rangiora Area, Rolleston Area, Woodend Area

Click to get direction: 6 Coppell Place Hillmorton Christchurch 8025

Contact Info(s):

O: 033777575

F: 033777576

Mailing address

PO Box 7634 Sydenham Christchurch 8240

About Alarm Solutions

Alarm Solutions is a wholly Christchurch owned and operated electronic security company. Founded in 1997, we offer a complete range of electronic security solutions, including alarms, access control, CCTV, and more.

We also offer a customer emergency service that is in operation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

A trusted name in security in Christchurch with over 6,000 clients on our books, we offer a knowledgeable team, a wide product range and a full selection of services that includes:

Residential Intruder Detection
Commercial Intruder Detection
Smoke and Heat Detection
Access Control
Intercom Systems
Electronic Surveillance (CCTV)
Monitored Portable Alarms
Medical & Personal Alarms
Professional Alarm Monitoring Services
Technology Leasing Options Available

As corporate members of the NZSA (New Zealand Security Industry Association), we are committed to upholding the code of ethics and professional standards of workmanship that are expected of members, and we have attained NZSA Audit Certification of our work. Our qualified and friendly team are all licensed under the Private Investigators and Security Guards Act, and offer over 60 years of combined professional experience in the security industry.

Our management are skilled hands-on technicians who take pride in providing the very best in professional security advice and services. We are CERA Approved Christcurch Contractors, hold Green Status approval of our health & safety system with SiteWise and our field staff hold SiteSafe training passports. We are also IQP Registered (Independent Qualified Person ), meaning we can sign off security/access control requirements for Building Warrants of Fitness for South Island City and District Councils.

Our expertise and broad range of services mean that we can meet almost any imaginable need for electronic security, ranging from domestic burglar alarms and medical alarm monitoring, all the way up to comprehensive access and alarm protection for major commercial properties. Our experienced staff will discuss your requirements with you, talk you through the available options, offer advice, and complete your installation to the highest standards of workmanship.

We are also factory accredited dealers of Inner Range, who manufacture the world renowned Inner Range Concept line of commercial and residential access and automation products. You can browse this website for more information on what we offer, or to talk to us today about your security requirements and how we can help, phone us now with your enquiry or to arrange for a no-obligation consultation with one of our security specialists on 377 7575. Were more than happy to help.

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