After Hours Veterinary Clinics Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 05:49 Pet Services Western Springs After Hours Veterinary Clinic, 2/348 Rosebank Road Avondale Auckland 1026 27 views Reference: 43155Click to get direction: Western Springs After Hours Veterinary Clinic, 2/348 Rosebank Road Avondale Auckland 1026
Contact Info(s):
O: 098207273
About After Hours Veterinary Clinics
In the Veterinarians category, After Hours Veterinary Clinics is located in the Auckland Region and are here to help. Check out After Hours Veterinary Clinics today!
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Seller Information
After Hours Veterinary Clinics
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About Seller
Welcome to Auckland Emergency Vet - Your first choice after hour vet clinic.
Based in Avondale and servicing the greater Auckland area, we are an experienced team of professionals that you can depend on. Our vets and nurses are all fully qualified and are passionate about providing specialist care to your animal.
Services range from consultations to x-rays and surgery, if your animal is in need of immediate attention, we have right resources and experience to provide the highest level of care.
Auckland Emergency Vet clinic is easy to find, just off the northwestern motorway.
Our Veterinary Emergency Services Include:
Emergency exams and consultations
Emergency Surgery
Intensive care, fluid therapy
In house laboratory blood analysis
X-Ray facilities
Isolation facilities
Monitoring of acutely and chronically sick patients
Treatment for vomiting and diarrhea
Treatments for poisonings
Treatment for traumatic injuries such as dog bites,cat bites etc.
Pain relief
Emergency dental treatment
Prevention of illness by treating early symptoms
Euthanasia and private cremation
We are here when you need us, for more information please give our team a call or visit our website.