Advanced Four Wheel Equipment Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 03:07 Auto Services Servicing: Dunedin 19 views Reference: 186532Location: Servicing: Dunedin
Contact Info(s):
O: 0800663666
F: 092754850
About Advanced Four Wheel Equipment
Advanced Four Wheel Equipment specialises in parts for American Cars and Pick Up Trucks from car manufacturers like Chevrolet, Mopar, Pontiac, Dodge and Cadillac.
AFWE also stocks replacement parts for Explorer Canopies. Recreational & industrial winches. We are the largest stockist of Chrome Moly Tube and Plate.
See us for; radiators - fan belts - fuel pumps - water pumps - spark plugs - ht lead kits - tail and head lights - distributor caps - grilles - tow hitches - shocks - lowering kits - workshop manuals - glow plugs and more. (See our website for more products.)
We provide insurance quotes for American cars.
For a full product list, visit our website today!
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