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Sep 11th, 2022 at 20:40   Auto Services   Servicing: Canterbury Region   22 views Reference: 105028

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Contact Info(s):

O: 036883748

F: 0276883748


Based in Timaru since 2009, Advance Driver Training is the preferred driving school in Timaru, Temuka, Geraldine, Waimate, across South and Mid Canterbury, and North Otago regions for drivers with all levels of experience. We provide defensive driving, motorcycle, corporate, learner and restricted licence driver training. We teach you to drive safely and not just how to pass the driving test!

Advance Driver Training provides driver training with a local, NZTA approved instructor, either in your own car, or in our modern driving school cars, with ABS, dual controls and multiple airbags for your safety. We have cars with a manual or automatic gearbox.

Advance Driver Training also provides motorcycle/scooter rider training using your own bike or we can provide modern 125cc motorbikes with gears for your ease of learning.

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