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Adhesion Sealing Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 22:49   Trades & Services   Servicing: Christchurch   21 views Reference: 112622

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Contact Info(s):

O: 033650914

F: 034530791

About Adhesion Sealing

Keeping Water Where You Want It To Be!!!

Adhesion Sealing is a leading New Zealand sealing and waterproofing applicator - it's our job to keep your place dry and your pool wet. There is nothing we can't seal!

This is achieved by a team of highly skilled technicians and project managers, using the world's best materials. We provide envelope protection for new and existing buildings:

  • Waterproofing and sealing roofs and decks. - Tanking basements and below-ground structures. -Pre-cast panel grouting. - Pre-cast panel and floor sealants. - Toppings, coatings and screeds to flooring. - Commercial building window, wallboard and cladding sealant. - Swimming pool sealing and coatings. - Concrete strengthening, repairs and protective coatings. - Joint and crack injection and grouting. - Commercial buildings and homes. - No job too big or too small...

Christchurch - call Vic McKay or Justin Ashwell.
Queenstown - call Phil Wiel.
Dunedin - call Steve Moodie or Dean Outram.

Please see our website to see & read about our featured projects!

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