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Action Moto Professional

Sep 13th, 2022 at 23:26   Auto Services   Servicing: Taranaki   23 views Reference: 224617
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Contact Info(s):

O: 062784160

Products and Services

Vehicle Type



Dirt Bikes, Road Bikes, Mini Bikes, Racing Bikes, Trail Bikes, Sport Bikes, Scooters, Tour Bikes, Farmbikes


Suzuki, Honda


Kawasaki, Suzuki




Engines, Mufflers, Motors, Clutches, Chains, Batteries


Exhaust Systems, Suspension Systems



Price Information

Flexible Terms


Guaranteed, Locally Owned & Operated, Independently Owned & Operated, Privately Owned & Operated, Locally Operated, Genuine Parts

Parking options

Free Off-Street


Motor Trade Association (Inc)
Motor Trade Association (Inc)

About Action Moto

Action Suzuki took over from the previous Suzuki dealerships of 28 years in 2008. The owners are Daryl Hurley and Zane Green.
Action Suzuki became the top selling Suzuki Motorcycle dealer in the country in August 2009. Their mix of sales is right across the board, with farm bikes, road bikes and their beloved off- roaders all lined up together in what has become one of the best looking-and best performing-motorcycle dealerships in New Zealand.

Situated on Glover Road in Hawera, in the centre of South Taranaki's farming community they are experts in farm bike servicing, ensuring you have your farm bikes and ATV's performing 24-7.

Action Suzuki is your off road specialist on stop shop, with co owner Daryl Hurley holding several motor-cross and super-cross national and Australian titles the off road knowledge doesn't get any better.

Call us for all your Suzuki, parts,service and sales needs, we know our products and strive to provide great service at fair prices.

What makes us different

Action Moto provide motorcycles, scooters and accessories from the world's top manufacturers. Our experienced staff are passionate about motorcycles, and look forward to helping you!

Website: http://www.actionmoto.co.nz

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