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Accord Precision Limited Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 03:36   Professional Services   71 Ben Lomond Crescent Pakuranga Auckland 2010   25 views Reference: 238219
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Click to get direction: 71 Ben Lomond Crescent Pakuranga Auckland 2010

Contact Info(s):

O: 095770004

F: 095768014

Opening hours


Products and Services


R&D, Marine, Mechanical, Aeronautical, Irrigation


Machine Shop, Machine Shop


CNC Lathes, CNC Lathes


Alloy Steel, Abrasion Resistant Steel, Carbon Steel, Steel, Alloys, Chrome, Brass, Plastic, Hard Plastic, Bronze, Aluminium, Copper, Metal, Chrome, Brass, Plastic, Nickel, Bronze, Metal


CNC Punching, Custom Orders, Made to Order, CNC Turning, Precision Testing, CNC Profiling, Laser Cuttings, CNC Milling, Machining, Drawings, Prototyping, Fabrication, CNC Routing, Quality Control, CNC Machining, Modelling, Design, Milling, Manufacturing, Powder Coating, Tooling, Development, CNC Punching, CNC Turning, Chrome Plating, Data Modelling, CNC Profiling, CAD, CNC Milling, Machining, Drawings, Gold Plating, Turning, Prototyping, Fabrication, Plating, CNC Routing, Quality Control, Laser Welding, CNC Machining, Assembly, Design, Project Management, Zinc Plating, Data Analysis, Laser Cutting, Problem Solving, Computer Aided Engineering, Development, Custom Work, Replating, Powder Coating, Quality Control, Custom Designing, Design, Protective Coating, Production

Markets Served

Commercial, Industrial


Privately Owned & Operated, Independently Owned & Operated

Year est.



Employers & Manufacturers Association
Employers & Manufacturers Association

Payment options

Credit Terms Available
Personal Cheques

Mailing address

PO Box 51395 Manukau 2140

About Accord Precision Limited

Accord specialises in nautical bronze/brass and cored/hollow bronze precision machined components. We also machine aluminium, plastics, steel and stainless steel.

Accord is New Zealand's largest "machined component manufacturers" using rod, tube, slug, forging or casting forms.
We machine; bronze - brass - aluminium - steel - stainless steel

The factory can also machine plastics from rod, tube, moulding or piece form.

A variety of finishes are offered, including: chrome plating - zinc plating - nickel passivating - gold passivating - powder coating - Teflon - anodizing - plastic moulding onto metal

Accord Precision's personnel are very aware of the importance of keeping strictly to delivery date and pride themselves on despatching orders on time.
We also provide assistance in design, drawing and production of samples. Service is, we believe is a synonym for attitude: our service makes a difference.

Accord fosters long term, trusting relationships with both customers and suppliers. This has led to a mutual understanding of the business needs of all parties involved in producing a cost effective quality part.

Accord currently has: 16 CNC Lathes - 7 CNC Milling Machines - 8 Multi-spindle Lathes - 26 Single-spindle Lathes - Broaching - Centreless Grinding.
Plus the finishing department has countless drilling, tapping, de-burring, pressing, sanding, vibro, shotblasting, polishing machines.

Please contact us for more detailed information

What makes us different

Accord Precision is a highly advanced precision engineering company which produces complex machined parts for the NZ and global market. We focus on offering start to finish solutions for our customers, with a focus on flexibility, innovation and efficiency. Our cutting edge facilities and constant quality control mean we can guarantee our precision.

Website: http://www.accord.co.nz

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