About Hearing Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 03:37 Medical & Emergency Servicing: Hawkes Bay 43 views Reference: 128313Location: Servicing: Hawkes Bay
Click to get direction: Servicing: Hawkes Bay
Contact Info(s):
O: 068775307
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
ServicesRepairs, Fitting, Consulting, Assessments, Testing, Consulting, Maintenance, Fitting, Adjustments, Exams, Customising, Support, Repairs, Damage Assessments
ProductsAssistive Listening Devices, Ear Plugs, Hearing Aids, Batteries, Batteries, Ear Plugs
Service OptionsConsultations
BrandsGN ReSound, Unitron, Phonak, Oticon, Omni/Starkey, Widex, Siemens
Parking options
Free Off-StreetAssociation
Payment options
Mailing address
PO Box 8044 Havelock North 4157
About About Hearing
About Hearing provides quality, hearing care to the Hawke's Bay area. We are independent and 100% locally owned and operated. Lisa Thomson is fully qualified to perform ACC hearing tests and access ACC and Ministry of Health funding towards hearing aids.
With over 20 years experience, Lisa provides tailor made hearing solutions and exceptional service, with options to suit your individual needs and budget.
Our Audiology Services:
- Free Hearing Screening
- Full Diagnostic Hearing Tests for Adults and Children
- Tinnitus Counselling
- Aviation & Pre-Employment Hearing Assessments
Hearing Assistance
- Hearing Needs Assessments
- Adult Hearing Aid Fittings
- Bluetooth Devices Which Connect Hearing Aids To
Your Mobile Phone, Television & More
Other Services
- Hearing Aid Repairs
- Batteries & Hearing Aid Accessories
- Custom Earplug for Swimmers, Musicians, Shooters
We have a Wednesday clinic in Waipukurau at the Unichem Pharmacy (please call us to make a booking).
Hearing Aids:
We fit and service hearing aid from the world's leading
hearing aid manufacturers including GN Resound,
Widex-Sivantos, Oticon, Bernafon, Phonak, Unitron and
Starkey. -
We fit only the latest technology across a range of
models and prices to suit all levels of hearing loss. We
have hearing aid options which range from basic
through to advanced, including features such as
wireless blue tooth capability and rechargeable
batteries. - Lisa is a full member of the NZAS, and as such, can help
you access hearing aid funding.
For professional audiology services throughout the
Hawkes' Bay area, see our website for more information,
or call to discuss your requirements and book an
What makes us different
We Listen. You Hear. Our advice is professional, honest and unbiased. Our staff get real satisfaction out of finding the ideal solution for you. We only use the latest technology in hearing solutions to ensure that you get the best result possible.
Website: http://abouthearing.co.nz
Facebook: https://facebook.com/abouthearing
audiologistsWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.