AA Mobile Valet Services Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 22:50 Auto Services 63B Greerton Road Gate Pa Tauranga 3112 24 views Reference: 69822Location: 63B Greerton Road Gate Pa Tauranga 3112
Servicing: Katikati Area, Tauranga Area, Te Puke Area
Tagline: Also known as: AA Mobile Valet Services
Click to get direction: 63B Greerton Road Gate Pa Tauranga 3112
Contact Info(s):
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
PlacesInteriors, Exteriors
VehiclesLuxury Cars, Minivans, Campers, Cars, Caravan, Trucks, Exotic Cars, Utes, Trucks, Vans, Cars
ServicesAluminium Polishing, Polishing, Buffing, Washing, Degreasing, Detailing, Odour Removal, Cleaning, Paint Protection, Car Washes, Fabric Protection, Grooming
ConcernsStains, Tar, Water Stains, Pet Damage
Service OptionsMobile Service, Mobile Service
Markets ServedResidential
AssurancesInsured, Locally Owned & Operated
Year est.
Payment options
About AA Mobile Valet Services
AA Mobile Valet Services - We come to you in Tauranga from Katikati to Tepuke.
We offer a wide range of mobile internal and external washing services for your cars.
Morgan offers affordable and guaranteed quality workmanship across Tauranga and Mount Maunganui Districts - call him for a free quote today!
We will come to you at home or your workplace, at a time that is convenient for you.
If you have a motor home, caravan, boat or a truck, give Morgan a call! No spill or cleaning job is too much trouble.
- Cleaning up of spillages
- Shampooing
- Rain stain removal
- Cutting and polishing
- Wash and vacuum
- Pre-sale grooms
- Overspray/Tar removal
AA Mobile Valet Services will have your vehicle clean in no time at a great price!
We will take complete care of your vehicle. Please note that bookings are essential.
For more information, please visit our website or just call Morgan today.
What makes us different
When your car needs a complete clean, you can rely on Morgan at AA Mobile Valet Services to do a sparkling job and take excellent care of your car, motor-home, caravan, boat or a truck inside and out.
We will come to you at home or your workplace, at a time that is convenient for you.
Website: http://www.aamobilevalet.co.nz
car-valet-servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.