A2B Towing Ltd Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 16:33 Auto Services Servicing: Waikato Region 22 views Reference: 252362Location: Servicing: Waikato Region
Contact Info(s):
O: 078701116
About A2B Towing Ltd
A2B Towing are your local towing agent with a difference, we can tow your vehicle and a caravan or boat, two boats, two caravans or just your car, ute, 4x4 or camper.
We have the ability to transport six passengers too, we can cover breakdown recovery, most accident recovery, vehicle deliveries collection and all at competitive prices .We operate 24/7 and do local and distance work.
Broken down with the kids, we even have dvd screens in the back of the truck for their entertainment to make that journey that little bit easier and more pleasant for them.call us on 07 870 1116
breakdown-towingWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
About Seller
A2B Towing are your local towing agent with a difference, we can tow your vehicle and a caravan or boat, two boats, two caravans or just your car, ute, 4x4 or camper.
We have the ability to transport six passengers too, we can cover breakdown recovery, most accident recovery, vehicle deliveries collection and all at competitive prices .We operate 24/7 and do local and distance work.
Broken down with the kids, we even have dvd screens in the back of the truck for their entertainment to make that journey that little bit easier and more pleasant for them.call us on 07 870 1116