A1 Disc Brake Services Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 21:43 Auto Services 305 Waimairi Road Burnside Christchurch 8005 30 views Reference: 214903Click to get direction: 305 Waimairi Road Burnside Christchurch 8005
Contact Info(s):
O: 0800100412
F: 0274333232
Mailing address
PO Box 29399 Christchurch
About A1 Disc Brake Services
Are you looking for Brake & Clutch Services in the Canterbury Region? A1 Disc Brake Services service this area, and have been around since 1996. Get in touch today!
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Seller Information
About Seller
We are a mobile disc machining service, so when you you need a professional to come out to you to take care of your discs, machining, and brake pads, you can rely on Jim's Brake Disc Machining.
Why do you need brake machining? Well functioning brakes are imperative to the safety of a vehicle (and those in it), so ensure that the job is done comprehensively and correctly - call Jim's Brake Disc Machining now!
We take pride in providing clients with friendly, efficient and trustworthy service, and will work with you to ensure your vehicles brakes are as safe and effective as new ones.
For prompt, professional mobile disc machining services in Christchurch as well as a for a free quote, don't hesitate to call Jim's Brake Disc Machining today!