A Grade Automotive Ltd Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 16:23 Auto Services Unit 4, 1030 Ferry Road Ferrymead Christchurch 8247 22 views Reference: 86220Click to get direction: Unit 4, 1030 Ferry Road Ferrymead Christchurch 8247
Contact Info(s):
O: 033844030
F: 033848072
Products and Services
Courtesy ServicesCourtesy Cars
FacilitiesWaiting Room, Garage, Workshop
PartsAir Filters, Brake Pads, Carburetor, Alternators, Automatic Transmissions, Clutches, Tyres, Air Pumps, Brakes, Batteries, CV Joints
Markets ServedCommercial, Residential
ConcernsNo Starts, Vehicle Damage, Structural Damage, Punctures, Damage, Accidents, Breakdowns
BrandsATE, Exxon Mobil
AssurancesWarrant of Fitness, Licensed
Year est.
Parking options
Free Off-StreetAssociation
Payment options
Mailing address
PO Box 41052 Ferrymead Christchurch 8247
About A Grade Automotive Ltd
A Grade Automotive Ltd is Christchurch's trusted mechanic! We have local mechanics you can trust servicing the residential and commercial markets in Christchurch, Ferrymead, Sumner, Redcliffs, Littleton and Woolston.
At A Grade Automotive Ltd, we're your ONE STOP SHOP for all of your automotive needs! We stand by our quality workmanship so you can be assured of peace of mind when you drive your vehicle away.
Our extensive services include:
- Mobile Mechanic Service
- Car Servicing
- W.O.F - Warrant Of Fitness
- Tyre & Wheel Alignment
- Oil Changes
- Car Batteries
- Exhaust & Mufflers
- Brakes
- Cam Belts / Timing Belts
- Clutch
- Car Air Conditioning
- Suspension, Shocks & Steering
- Automatic Transmission Servicing
- Radiator
- Fuel Economy & Emission Testing
- Radiator Repairs
- CV Joints
- Auto-Electrics
- so much more
We're committed to delivering every customer, the best level of service and an automotive repair experience, you'll tell your friends and family about and come back again!
Your car has unique needs, so we have a choice of pre-priced menu board options when you come in to see us. Our team of A Grade technicians and mechanics are dedicated to getting your vehicle running as sweetly as it was the day it was purchased.
MTA Approved and as a AA Licensed Repaired, we have proudly been selected to be part of the Auto Super Shoppes group.
You Can't Top An Auto Shoppe - Guaranteed!
Visit our website for more information or call our professional team today to book in!
What makes us different
Established in 2004, we are specialists in automotive repairs and services ranging from WOF and tyres to annual service and mechanical repair. Our A Grade Technicians will provide you with exceptional services. Contact us today for more information.
Website: http://www.agradeauto.co.nz
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