A & A Automotive Limited Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 04:57 Auto Services 184 Kent Street Frankton Hamilton 3204 29 views Reference: 246397Location: 184 Kent Street Frankton Hamilton 3204
Click to get direction: 184 Kent Street Frankton Hamilton 3204
Contact Info(s):
O: 078479304
F: 078479305
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
Products and Services
ServicesCharging, Recharging, Pre-purchase Inspections, 10,000 km Service, High Pressure Blasting, Vehicle Diagnostics, Tune-ups, Engine Rebuilding, Inspections, Jump Starts, Safety Checks
ConcernsCheck Engine Light
TradesAutomotive Mechanics
AssurancesFamily Owned & Operated, Manufacturers Warranties
Parking options
Free Off-StreetAssociation
Payment options
About A & A Automotive Limited
$35 WOF, Tune ups,Brakes, Cambelts, Clutches,Pre-purchase inspections, Forlongs finance, Play area for children, Winz/Credit union quotes open sats 9-1pm, Repairer for Driveright, Autosure,Lumleys warranties
What makes us different
At A & A Automotive Ltd, we can assist with your automotive repairs. We have an experienced and equipped team who can bring solutions to your vehicles damages and problems. We take extreme pride in being family friendly - providing an area for your child to play in while waiting.
Website: http://www.aaautomotive.co.nz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/A-A-Automotive-Ltd-139621643794/
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